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The Voice of Canada’s Investment Funds Industry


Tax policy, as it applies both to investment funds and individual investors, is an important area of IFIC comment and advice.

IFIC works with its members to develop positions on tax policy and technical issues for submission to federal and provincial governments in Canada. We serve as a resource for tax officials seeking to better understand the impact on the fund industry and investors of specific tax proposals.


IFIC Submission - Department of Finance - Alternative Minimum Tax and Unit Trusts (March 13, 2015)

Collective Investment Vehicle Associations Submission – OECD – Treaty Relief And Compliance Enhancement (TRACE) Implementation Package (January 13, 2015)

Ontario Ministry of Finance Comfort Letter regarding the Ontario Surtax

Relief for Mutual Fund Trusts Residing in Ontario

IFIC Letter to Finance (A. MacLean) on Amendments to Loss Restriction Event Rules in Bill C-43 (October 31, 2014)

IRS US Treasury Announcement 2012 - Timelines for Due Diligence and Other Requirements under FATCA (October 24, 2012)

Submission - Jointed CBA CLHIA IFIC IIAC (Internal Revenue Service) Comments on REG-121647-10 - April 30, 2012

Canadian Financial Services Submission to the IRS and US Treasury (October 21 2011)

IFIC Submission to Finance Canada (Mr. Lalonde) Excluded Property - July 20, 2011

Submission to IRS - IFIC’s FATCA Letter Pertaining to Notice 2011-34 (June 7, 2011)

Letter to Department of Finance re: IFIC Discussions with US Treasury and IRS concerning FATCA (March 8, 2011)